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David Bryan

David Bryan


Internet Communications Strategist, CogentForce, LLC

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David Bryan is widely recognized as a leader in bringing innovative new products to market that change how people communicate. In 2001 as co-founder and CTO at Jasomi Networks, Mr. Bryan envisioned -- and led the team launching -- the first SIP-to-SIP gateway. After leaving Jasomi, Mr. Bryan recognized Peer-to-Peer and cloud technology would revolutionize communications, and his insights led to his introducing the concept of P2PSIP. Mr. Bryan founded, and as CEO led, SIPeerior Technologies, the first company to bring P2PSIP to the market.

Today, Mr. Bryan's interest is in monetizing the opportunities created when ubiquitous, connected consumer devices, social networking, and web technology combine with P2P and cloud technology to revolutionize how, why, and with whom we communicate. He works as an Internet Communications Strategist at Cogent Force, LLC.

Mr. Bryan is a prolific speaker and writer, publishing in industry trade magazines, as well as speaking on communications business and technical issues at major conferences and online webinars. Additionally, he chairs the IETF P2PSIP working group, and has served on industry group, corporate, and university advisory boards.

You can follow him on Twitter at davidbryan