Mark J. Fletcher, ENP
Since 1980, “Fletch” has contributed to various roles in the Public Safety and Telecommunications industry. Initially, he served as a Police Dispatcher and Special Officer for several years in New Jersey, with the remainder of his career being telecom related. Fletch is listed as the inventor of 14 US Patents for delivering NG911 additional data to ECCs and multimedia call-handling functionality for call takers.
Recognized for his customer-first advocacy and work on Public Safety Standards, he was honored by the NG911 Institute in 2013 with the Industry Professional - Private Sector Award by Congress. In 2015 he received the NENA President’s Award for his work on Kari’s Law, and on February 16, 2018, along with the Hunt family, was in the Oval Office to witness the President’s signing of the Kari’s Law Act of 2017, authored by him.
A year later, on February 6, 2019, as Avaya’s Chief Architect for Public Safety, he designed the world’s first Enterprise NG911 Additional Data Repository in partnership with RapidSOS delivering additional location data and floorplans to the ECC. In his current role as Vice President of Public Safety Solutions at 911inform, Fletcher has overseen the enhancement of that capability using a two-way data flow between the Enterprise and the 9-1-1 ECC. This provides digital information from a connected building and demonstrates the critical value of the NENA i3 NG911 standards for today’s Unified Communications platforms. The solution has won several Frost and Sullivan Product Innovation Awards.
Fletch is a regular keynote speaker at industry events worldwide, maintains a popular Blog and Podcast series at, and has authored several articles for Network World on Emergency Communications.
Fletch is an active member of NENA, EENA, and APCO International, contributing to standards committees, both here and abroad. He currently holds board positions on the NENA Institute Board, the SCTC Vendor Advisory Council as VP of Education, and the RapidSOS Technical Advisory Board. He also contributes time on the Board of Directors for the Kari Hunt Foundation and the Denise Amber Lee Foundation. Current appointments include the 988 Suicide Prevention Helpline working group, with several prior Federal Advisory roles with the FCC, including the Emergency Access Advisory Committee, the Task Force for Optimal PSAP Architecture, the Disability Advisory Committee, and most recently an NG911 Subject Matter Expert on the FCC 911 Fee Diversion Strike Force, providing a critical FCC report to Congress on the matter. Fletcher is also a current candidate for the NENA Northeastern Regional Director position.