Erica Marois
Erica Marois is the Content Manager at ICMI. With a background in marketing, public relations, and social media, she brings more than 10 years of community management experience to ICMI. Having been at ICMI for more than 5 years now, she’s also become a thought leader in the customer experience space. Erica manages ICMI’s robust network of community contributors – 500 strong! She also hosts ICMI’s weekly tweet chats that feature dynamic, interactive discussions with thought leaders and innovators in the contact center community. In addition, she produces ICMI’s webinars and many other content initiatives like Contact Center Insider newsletter. Lastly, Erica employs her creative viewpoint on community engagement at ICMI events, managing ICMI’s Global Contact Center Awards Program, and Movers & Shakers initiative, as well as working with attendees to enhance their event experience. Erica is a connector of people – in any medium --and loves bringing contact center leaders together to solve problems.