WebRTC: The Peers are ComingWebRTC: The Peers are Coming
There's reason to believe that there will be 1 Billion WebRTC-enabled devices (think peers) by the end of the year.
May 19, 2013
There's reason to believe that there will be 1 Billion WebRTC-enabled devices (think peers) by the end of the year.
Many of you have heard of WebRTC and have thought about looking into it, but here is some info that may cause you to accelerate your interest.
At the Google developer Conference, Justin Uberti, one of the Google WebRTC leaders, said that he believes there will be 1 Billion WebRTC enabled devices (think peers) by the end of the year. While he is biased, there is some reason to believe that he is probably right.
Mozilla announced this week that WebRTC is enabled in the general Beta of Firefox 22, the final stage before being in the general release in a few weeks. Firefox will then join Chrome having their standard general-availability browser supporting WebRTC. Together they account for 57% of the browsers.
The numbers for Q1 show that 75% of smartphones shipped with Android, over 162 million units. Assuming that all of those will move to Chrome with WebRTC and assuming no further growth, that is 640 Million WebRTC peers by the end of the year. With iOS dropping to 17% share and only 6.6% year-on-year growth compared to Android at 79.5% growth, can Apple ignore this market to retain the closed garden of FaceTime?
So, when 75% of the people buying Smartphones, 57% of the PCs, and over a billion users have a WebRTC enabled "peer", can you afford to ignore it? If you are not planning your 2014 WebRTC strategy and direction, you may well find your competitors have become your customers new best "peer"!