VoiceCon Tutorial: Terry's TroubleshootingVoiceCon Tutorial: Terry's Troubleshooting
DHCP is another of the many ways that your data network architecture can wind up affecting your IP telephony performance.
February 25, 2009
DHCP is another of the many ways that your data network architecture can wind up affecting your IP telephony performance.
One of the things that dawned on me as I was reviewing the crush of presentations coming for VoiceCon is that we need to do a better job of making this great content part of the ongoing dialogue in the industry. Even if you attend the conference, you have to pick between four sessions.So what I'm going to try here at No Jitter is to post some snippets of presentations, both to give you a flavor of what's coming up at the show, and also, hopefully, to introduce some concepts and open up dialogue on technical and market issues.
I want to start with the tutorial Terry Slattery's going to do on "VOIP Troubleshooting, Monitoring & Metrics." Terry's quite simply the best person we know to give a half-day tutorial on this topic, and we're delighted that he's signed up to do this first-ever tutorial. It's a detailed, intense course on the various sources of trouble in a network, so I decided to pick out one discrete technical issue and show you how Terry's going to explain it.
Of the many potential mis-configurations that can lead to trouble on an IP telephony network, one stems from problems with DHCP implementation. Another reason why I picked out this particular issue is that it's new to IP, and so it's useful to get up to speed on if you're still moving through your pilots or deployment.
Here are Terry's slides on DHCP and IPT:
VoiceCon Troubleshooting TutorialView more presentations from ekrapf. (tags: ip telephony)
As you can see, this is another of the many ways that your data network architecture can wind up affecting your IP telephony performance.
Terry's tutorial is scheduled for Monday, March 30 at VoiceCon Orlando. You can find out more about it here, and about Terry here, and his company here.DHCP is another of the many ways that your data network architecture can wind up affecting your IP telephony performance.