Sorell's CommArch VoiceCon MeetupSorell's CommArch VoiceCon Meetup
Join Sorell Slaymaker for a discussion of how to define a Communications Architecture.
March 17, 2009
Join Sorell Slaymaker for a discussion of how to define a Communications Architecture.
If you've been reading Sorell Slaymaker, one of our newest bloggers (and if you're not, you should be), you know that one of Sorell's interests is in defining a Communications Architecture. Here's the blog post where he spells out his thinking on the matter. Sorell is putting together a book on the topic as well.Because this is an important issue that would benefit from collaboration among communications professionals, we put our heads together with Sorell and decided to see if there would be interest among our VoiceCon attendees in a Communications Architecture meetup at the show later this month. We decided to start small and informal, with a lunch meetup on Tuesday, March 31 at VoiceCon Orlando.
So if you're going to be at VoiceCon Orlando as a paid conference attendee, you can join Sorell for a discussion of how to define a Communications Architecture. Just head into the lunch area on the lower level at the Gaylord Palms convention center at 11:30 AM, and look for the table that's marked RESERVED/SLAYMAKER.
Sorell has put together a brief paper (PDF here) outlining his thoughts on the topic. He'll use this as a Talking Points document for the lunch session.
Since lunch is only available to those with Conference badges, if you're an Exhibit badge-holder, contact Sorell or me, and we'll start coordinating Phase II.
A lot of our focus these days is on the nuts and bolts, on business cases, ROI, and execution of today's objectives--and with good reason. That's got to be the priority in this economic climate. But the role of communications professionals is constantly evolving, and as technology continues to redefine communications, it's important to understand the implications for the enterprise IT architecture, and for the people who design and implement it. If this topic is of interest to you, I encourage you to join Sorell on Tuesday, March 31, 11:30 AM at VoiceCon Orlando.Join Sorell Slaymaker for a discussion of how to define a Communications Architecture.