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Nortel Auction: No Word Yet (Update)Nortel Auction: No Word Yet (Update)
Word from Nortel is the auction is continuing today.
Eric Krapf
September 12, 2009
1 Min Read
Word from Nortel is the auction is continuing today.
No details are being released, but Nortel spokesman Bo Gowan confirms on Twitter that the auction of the Enterprise Solutions business unit went late into last night with no resolution. It's expected to resume today. We'll keep you posted.UPDATE 1: Word from Nortel is the auction is continuing today. Award for best prognostication about the auction, so far, goes to Bo Gowan, of Nortel PR, who noted the possibility of a multi-day auction on his blog yesterday. Follow Bo on Twitter here.
And now, a word from our sponsors (OK, not our real sponsors):
Word from Nortel is the auction is continuing today.