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If your job involves procurements from the carriers, you ought to be reading David's stuff.
February 5, 2009
If your job involves procurements from the carriers, you ought to be reading David's stuff.
Our friend David Rohde of TechCaliber Consulting recently started a blog on TechCaliber's site, and I highly recommend it. TechCaliber is associated with the Levine, Blaszak, Block & Boothby (LB3) law firm, whose partners Hank Levine and Jim Blaszak blog here. David's a veteran industry watcher, and TechCaliber is the best consultancy we know of when it comes to contract issues and dealing with the carriers. If your job involves procurements from the carriers, you ought to be reading David's stuff.If your job involves procurements from the carriers, you ought to be reading David's stuff.