Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: Cause for Concern?Cell Phones and Brain Tumors: Cause for Concern?
Genuine issue, media battle, or both?
October 9, 2009
Genuine issue, media battle, or both?
As having read several supporting documents to Cellphones and Brain Tumors 15 Reasons for Concern, I can say again that cause for concern is genuine but I also need to say this is looking like a media battle of information exchange.A few quick points about the release:
Concern 11: Cellphone radiation damages DNA, an undisputed cause of cancer. Electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage and the new arguments fault past studies.
Concern 13: Cellphone user manuals warn customers to keep the cellphone away from the body even when the cellphone is not in use.
Concern 14: FCC Warning for cordless phones. Read your iPhone manual and you will see the same warnings.
Concern 15: Guys you can read this one on your own at your own risk because it warns men against carrying cellphones in our pants pockets.
When I wrote Electro Hypersensitivity and first heard the term "free-radicals" I said to the physician, "you mean protestors and organizers against the cell carriers!" Okay so chemistry wasn't one of my subjects. Asking another question, assuming that the "science" that is generating the report of 15 reasons for concern is accurate, then I have concerns of my own:
* Will class-action lawsuits claiming ill effects upon the general population wipe out cell carriers?
* What happens to our "advances" in and of technology?
* What are the financial and operational impacts of anything found with unacceptable levels of electromagnetic radiation?
* What will replace what we have today and perform as well or better?
* What will replacement solutions or modifications to existing systems cost?
* Is the industry open minded enough regardless of the outcome?
* Shouldn't the industry at minimum provide the ounce of prevention?
* You can't solely blame the carriers, everyone wants mobility
* The FCC (federal government) has collected huge amounts of cash on the sale of what?Genuine issue, media battle, or both?