SIP Trunking Adoption PollSIP Trunking Adoption Poll
A surprising number of enterprises said they've at least begun piloting.
May 4, 2010
A surprising number of enterprises said they've at least begun piloting.
Here's a quick snapshot from last week's SIP Trunking webinar (which you can still watch on demand by clicking here).
While the poll was being conducted, I asked both of our speakers--Lisa Pierce of Strategic Networks Group and Michael Leo of Acme Packet--to predict the results, and they both called it at 30%-50% "Yes". Frankly, I'd expected it to be nearer the low end, but I think the combination of an early-adopter sort of audience, plus the relatively low threshold--you needed only to be piloting SIP Trunks to answer "Yes," accounts for the strong positive response.
The fact that the webinar drew well over a thousand attendees, and that there were over 60 questions from the audience, many of which were very detailed and technical, indicated to me that users are still very much in experimental mode when it comes to SIP Trunking. And of course, if you sat in on the webinar or view it on demand, you'll hear Lisa reporting as much in her summary of her research.A surprising number of enterprises said they've at least begun piloting.