SIP Trunk SLAsSIP Trunk SLAs
The third of our Slidecasts from Lisa Pierce's session on SIP Trunks at the recent VoiceCon Orlando 2010.
April 23, 2010
The third of our Slidecasts from Lisa Pierce's session on SIP Trunks at the recent VoiceCon Orlando 2010.
Here's the third of our Slidecasts from Lisa Pierce's session on SIP Trunks at the recent VoiceCon Orlando 2010.And a reminder: Lisa will be discussing "Five Critical Questions on SIP Trunking" in an Enterprise Connect (formerly VoiceCon) webinar next Wednesday, April 28, 2 PM Eastern/11 AM Pacific. You can register for the webinar here. You can view the previous two Slidecasts in this series here and here.
SIP Trunk SLAs: Lisa Pierce/VoiceCon Orlando 2010View more presentations from ekrapf.
The third of our Slidecasts from Lisa Pierce's session on SIP Trunks at the recent VoiceCon Orlando 2010.