Classic UC Holiday VerseClassic UC Holiday Verse
Seasonal song and verse for all the UC watchers out there
December 20, 2016
Seasonal song and verse for all the UC watchers out there
During this festive holiday season, there is nothing more special to me than gathering my wife and three children together to share some of the classic unified communications poems and songs.
Sadly, as an industry we have spent so many years debating the definition of UC that we have not always preserved or revered the deep history of UC song and dance. (In this article, I will focus on classic UC song and verse and will defer lessons and demonstrations of UC dance to my classically ballet-trained colleague Dave Michels.)
For your own family singalongs and bedtime stories at home, I am happy to reprint three UC holiday classics, and then for first time, share lyrics from a newly discovered UC song: "Do You Hear What I Hear?"
Every Christmas Eve I read this classic UC story to my kids. For our family it has become a cherished holiday season tradition ...
Find the rest of the story to share with your loved ones here.
When my children were little, I was worried that Mr. Telco might be too scary for them. But as soon as my kids became teens, this story became one of their holiday favorites ...
With apologies to the incomparable Dr. Seuss, you can find the complete Mr. Telco story to share with your children here.
The holidays are a time for friends, family and tradition. For me, nothing could be more special than sharing a traditional UC&C carol with my closest friends. My family often sings a rousing chorus of this song ...
Find the rest of this festive tune here.
The newly unearthed, "Do You Hear What I Hear?" is an ode to the well-loved MOS (Mean Opinion Score) measurement. It's sure to be an instant holiday classic, because nothing says happy holidays like a MOS score of greater than 4.0.
To learn more about how to build the perfect UC team with experience, planning skills, and insight, grab yourself an egg nog and click here.
During this holiday season, I want to celebrate the wonderful people who bring us No Jitter and Enterprise Connect, the people who participate in this rich UC community, and all of our family and friends. Wishing you happy holidays and a fulfilling 2017.
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