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The Global Workforce: Forever ChangedThe Global Workforce: Forever Changed

The silver lining of the COVID-19 quarantine orders might be a crash course in the appreciation of working remotely – though unplanned, business leaders can’t help but notice the value of this new normal.

Robin Gareiss

April 13, 2020

4 Min Read
woman with mask on laptop
Image: thedarknut - pixabay.com

A whopping 90.6% of companies say they now have employees working from home because of the virus – an increase from 63.2% before COVID-19 arrived, according to our research. Among those with contact centers, 74.1% have agents working remotely, up from 59% pre-pandemic.


Almost overnight, companies had to send dozens, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of employees to home offices, depending on the size of their business. On average, they transitioned from 34.6% to 71.8% of employees working from home full-time, and from 21.8% to 50.5% of employees working from home part-time.


Those changes took place with a surprisingly low impact on the daily functions of most enterprises — a true testament to IT staffs, as well as Internet services, workplace collaboration, and contact center providers.


That’s not to say everything has been easygoing, however. Though many of the challenges that companies face are technology-related, the biggest is managing employees remotely, according to 53.5% of research participants.


Despite the many years companies have been able to support employees working remotely, work from home (WFH) isn’t right for all teams. Though meeting applications, video conferencing, and team collaboration can help smooth the situation, managers and employees used to being in the same physical location are struggling to make WFH work.


Security is the second-highest challenge, with 52.5% of organizations saying they’re concerned their remote locations may not be secure enough or that they don’t have the expertise to make them secure. Internet performance (41.2%), network infrastructure (37.8%), getting IT equipment to employees (37.1%), and access to applications (31.3%) round out the next tier of WFH challenges during the pandemic.


Interestingly, only 29.2% of IT leaders said video quality was an issue, a nod in favor of the massive number of people flooding apps such as Cisco Webex, Google Hangouts, and Zoom, among many others.


Isolating the contact center, we saw similar findings except for the top two challenges: Security was the top, with 64% of companies citing problems, followed by remote employee management at 57.1%. A small percentage, 15.3%, said they lacked analytics to measure remote agent success.




What’s Next?

But now, the real question is, what happens next? Will organizations take this experience and make changes based on the benefits they saw? Or will they toss it aside and bring things back to “normal” (whatever that might be) as quickly as possible?


The data tells us there will be a somewhat notable change to employees’ workplaces. Among the companies who just recently started to have employees WFH since COVID-19 started, only 18.9% say they won’t continue to do so post-pandemic. More than half (55.3%) say they will or probably will continue allowing employees to work from home, and 25.9% say they are unsure.


Among all companies with employees working from home now, 70.6% say they’re likely to continue doing so (35.4% are a definitive “Yes,” while 35.2% say “Probably”). Only 12.8% say they won’t continue with the WFH experiment, while 16.6% say they’re unsure. The numbers are similar in the contact center, though slightly more are definitely continuing agent WFH programs (38.5%) and fewer say probably (32.2%). Also, slightly more (14.9%) say they will not continue allowing WFH agents.




Overall, here are the top drivers for continuing a WFH strategy:

  • It will improve employee quality of life (59%). Employees can reduce commute time, be home for kids when necessary, and reduce costs for dry cleaning, time spent commuting, and more.

  • It will prepare companies for future disasters (46.1%). Our response to epidemics or pandemics has become forever changed because of technology. What’s more, the COVID-19 experience underscores the importance of being prepared for severe weather, natural disasters, or terrorist attacks.

  • It’s better for the environment (42.7%). With fewer cars on the road and planes in the air, pollution levels have declined. For example, atmospheric levels of nitrogen dioxide air pollution declined by 30% in March 2020 compared to March 2019, according to satellite data from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

  • It will reduce employee turnover rates (32.8%). If employees have a better work-life balance, they’ll be more loyal to their employer, and turnover rates will decline.

  • Employees were more productive at home (28%) and will work more hours remotely (26.3%). One IT director said his company has seen a 50% increase in team collaboration messages, and employees are working two to three hours more per day. Eliminating commuting time helps, along with removing office distractions.

  • It will save in real-estate costs (24.9%). Though understated in this study, we expect that companies will quickly see this value. For example, the average annual real-estate cost per contact center agent is $8,300. A 50-agent contact center would save $207,000 per year in real-estate costs by allowing half of its agents to work from home.

We expect IT and business leaders to continue their evaluation of WFH

environments and adjust accordingly. But based on their initial experiences from the pandemic, we expect to see more employees working from home, either full or part-time.




About the Author

Robin Gareiss

Robin Gareiss is CEO and Principal Analyst at Metrigy, where she oversees research product development, conducts primary research, and advises leading enterprises, vendors, and carriers.


For 25+ years, Ms. Gareiss has advised hundreds of senior IT executives, ranging in size from Fortune 100 to Fortune 1000, developing technology strategies and analyzing how they can transform their businesses. She has developed industry-leading, interactive cost models for some of the world’s largest enterprises and vendors.


Ms. Gareiss leads Metrigy’s Digital Transformation and Digital Customer Experience research. She also is a widely recognized expert in the communications field, with specialty areas of contact center, AI-enabled customer engagement, customer success analytics, and UCC. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and trade shows, presenting at events such as Enterprise Connect, ICMI, IDG’s FutureIT, Interop, Mobile Business Expo, and CeBit. She also writes a blog for No Jitter.


Additional entrepreneurial experience includes co-founding and overseeing marketing and business development for The OnBoard Group, a water-purification and general contracting business in Illinois. She also served as president and treasurer of Living Hope Lutheran Church, led youth mission trips, and ran successful fundraisers for children’s cancer research. She serves on the University of Illinois College of Media Advisory Council, as well.


Before starting Metrigy, Ms. Gareiss was President and Co-Founder of Nemertes Research. Prior to that, she shaped technology and business coverage as Senior News Editor of InformationWeek, a leading business-technology publication with 440,000 readers. She also served in a variety of capacities at Data Communications and CommunicationsWeek magazines, where helped set strategic direction, oversaw reader surveys, and provided quantitative and statistical analysis. In addition to publishing hundreds of research reports, she has won several prestigious awards for her in-depth analyses of business-technology issues. Ms. Gareiss also taught ethics at the Poynter Institute for Advanced Media Studies. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, and American Medical News.


She earned a bachelor of science degree in journalism from the University of Illinois and lives in Illinois.

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