Enterprise Connect Program Launches: See What’s NewEnterprise Connect Program Launches: See What’s New
At EC2022, enterprise leaders will gather to address security, workplace strategies, IT pain points, and much more.
November 12, 2021
The bulk of the Enterprise Connect 2022 (EC2022) program is online, and I’m excited about how it’s coming together. Right now, the enterprise communications/collaboration industry is undergoing a major transformation — innovating at a breakneck speed.
Enterprises themselves are at an inflection point too. By next March, when EC2022 takes place in Orlando, the return to office should be well underway for many enterprises, and all the talk and theories about hybrid work will be starting to collide with reality. Keeping up with it all will be critical.
I want to highlight a few things about the program that are new or expanded because I think they give a sense of where things are going. As always, we’re building the program in close consultation with the cadre of independent experts we rely on each year to create Enterprise Connect’s content, and here’s just a sampling of what we came up with:
Workplace Strategies — This track will be bigger than it’s ever been, with sessions ranging from how to match technology with (potentially-reconfigured) office space to next year’s Women in Communications Roundtable, a key element in our popular and growing Women in Comms initiative. (By the way, if you know an outstanding woman working in an enterprise IT organization — and I suspect you do — please consider nominating that star performer for our Spotlight Award).
Security — Our new track this year is Security & Compliance. The more important any technology becomes to the enterprise, and the faster it evolves, the more critical security and compliance become. Both of those conditions — growing importance and rapid change — are clearly at work in communications/collaboration, so we’ve got sessions focusing on the new threats, the enduring challenges in the network, and how the quick move to video and other advanced collaboration opens up a whole new world of privacy challenges.
Peer discussions — By the time we gather in Orlando the week of March 21, it will have been two years since the Enterprise Connect community has come together in person. Our attendees have always told us that they value the networking and personal interaction that Enterprise Connect provides as highly as they value the chance to get in-depth, one-to-many learning from independent industry experts. We’ll be providing lots of opportunities for this peer-to-peer conversation and discussion throughout the week; within the context of the event’s conference program, what this means is a number of sessions built around informal discussion and sharing among the audience. If you’ve been going to tech conferences for awhile, you’ll remember we used to call these “birds-of-a-feather” sessions: People who share a common concern, passion, or challenge coming together to help each other think about with solutions.
IT pain points — Finally, in addition to exploring all the most important technology and market trends in the industry, we’ve added an element that I’ve started thinking of as “IT pain points.” Because as important as it is to plan your communications/collaboration strategy for this critical time of transition, so many IT shops are plagued by problems larger than our industry that loom over everything else they’re trying to accomplish. You know the terms: the Great Resignation, the chip shortage, and supply chain issues. As important and exciting as the technology is, many in our audience are coping with these basic challenges, so several of our peer discussions will focus on these challenges so you can share the pain and hopefully some solutions.
In the next few weeks, we’ll be filling out the remainder of the conference program, including our track on Video/AV Collaboration and additional sessions in many of the other tracks. We’ll also be announcing our keynotes and the rest of the conference program. Getting our first batch of program sessions launched is the first milestone on the road to Orlando, and I’m unbelievably excited to see it come together. Registration for the event is open now, and you can sign up here. I hope to see you in Orlando!