Drum Roll, Please! Enterprise Connect 2018 Open for RegistrationDrum Roll, Please! Enterprise Connect 2018 Open for Registration
Join us March 12-15 in Orlando, Fla., for a bigger and better conference than ever.
August 31, 2017
Even though September will only just land on our doorstep tomorrow, around here we've already got our minds planted in March -- well known to us, and certainly many of you, as the month of Enterprise Connect.
Yes, Enterprise Connect 2018 will again be in March -- the 12th to the 15th, to be precise. And, in keeping with another longstanding tradition, it'll take place at the Gaylord Palms in Orlando, Fla. But not everything will stay the same, of course!
Since we closed the doors on Enterprise Connect 2017, packed up our bags, and flew home from "the City Beautiful," we've been looking ahead to 2018. We've spent these interim months gathering feedback and drawing insight from event attendees and participants as to how to make Enterprise Connect 2018 the best yet.
We're not quite ready to share all of what we have planned, but here's some of the nitty-gritty of what's on the docket content-wise:
The conference program will include more interactive-style programming for attendees who favor a hands-on approach to learning.
We'll be segmenting content into nine tracks, including the brand-new "Speech Technologies." To include sessions on topics such as speech recognition and natural language processing, this track will give you the grounding you need to understand how new voice technologies could change your enterprise.
We've updated programming for our traditional Video track, now called "Video Collaboration & A/V," to better reflect the challenges enterprises face and the technologies they have at their disposals to implement modern meeting communications. (We're also saying a fond farewell to our longtime track chair Andrew Davis, who has retired, and welcoming his colleague, Ira Weinstein, senior analyst and partner at Wainhouse Research, in his stead.)
Our special "three years out" conference-within-a-conference programming will return on Monday, March 12, delving into the emerging technologies that promise to shape the next wave of strategic decisions leading enterprises will have to make in 2021.
Look for programming around artificial intelligence and digital transformation across all tracks -- these are hot topics, whether looking at ways to improve employee communications and collaboration or the customer experience.
For the mainstage, we're organizing a town hall-style summit that'll put a handful of vendor executives in the hot seat and enterprise IT professionals in control of questions and issues they want discussed.
Lunchtime, as always, is for networking -- and now learning, too. We'll host topic and vertical market discussion tables during lunch, so be on the lookout for those!
I could go on, but I'll stop myself here and instead point you to our newly launched Enterprise Connect 2018 portal. Visit today to discover our preliminary plans; come back often, as we'll be updating the conference site as programming falls into place. (We welcome all content ideas, too -- submit yours in our Call for Participation (closing Friday!), or email me directly.
And don't hesitate to secure your spot at Enterprise Connect 2018 -- registration is now open, and we've got a great deal for you: Use the code NOJITTER to get an additional $200 off the Advance Rate or to receive a FREE Expo Plus Pass!
Follow Beth Schultz and No Jitter on Twitter!