Watts Up With Nortel?Watts Up With Nortel?
Here at VoiceCon 2008 is Mr. Green reporting in. After meeting with Tony Leger at the Nortel booth I got the feeling and could see the evidence that Nortel sees green. The evidence isn't just the Tolly Group report showing that Nortel costs less to own than Cisco switches- but they are certainly 41-56% less power consuming than Cisco too.
March 19, 2008
Here at VoiceCon 2008 is Mr. Green reporting in. After meeting with Tony Leger at the Nortel booth I got the feeling and could see the evidence that Nortel sees green. The evidence isn't just the Tolly Group report showing that Nortel costs less to own than Cisco switches- but they are certainly 41-56% less power consuming than Cisco too.
Here at VoiceCon 2008 is Mr. Green reporting in. After meeting with Tony Leger at the Nortel booth I got the feeling and could see the evidence that Nortel sees green. The evidence isn't just the Tolly Group report showing that Nortel costs less to own than Cisco switches- but they are certainly 41-56% less power consuming than Cisco too.Nortel was using Kill-a-Watt, an inexpensive monitoring tool to show power loads to the crowds, along with their management software "Nortel Energy Efficiency Calculator" detailing port by port performance and power consumption.
Speaking with Leger and other Nortel folks didn't leave me the impression that Nortel is in the dark about going, being or getting green.
The benefits of power efficient switches include reducing closet UPS sizing, cooling and electrical loading. Little by little, attacking energy in every way possible does lead to benefits.
So, there is some greening here at VoiceCon and as Nortel said, "2008 will be an awakening year for most when it comes to energy consumption." Tomorrow, Gary Audin is presenting, "Saving Money With Green VoIP."