Vanguard's Herculean TaskVanguard's Herculean Task
Our friends at Vanguard Communications are in the process of putting together a very cool white paper on IP Contact Centers, which, unlike a lot of vendor and analyst white papers, they're making available free and without even having to cough up any info on yourself. It's over at their blog .
February 11, 2008
Our friends at Vanguard Communications are in the process of putting together a very cool white paper on IP Contact Centers, which, unlike a lot of vendor and analyst white papers, they're making available free and without even having to cough up any info on yourself. It's over at their blog.
Our friends at Vanguard Communications are in the process of putting together a very cool white paper on IP Contact Centers, which, unlike a lot of vendor and analyst white papers, they're making available free and without even having to cough up any info on yourself. It's over at their blog.The white paper, which Vanguard is releasing in chunks, will look in succession at the major vendors, starting with Cisco. The latest addition is a case study that provides tons of interesting detail about a contact center implementation at a major manufacturer.
The white paper's author, Jason Alley, describes the benefits and challenges the manufacturer saw, and the Challenge that struck me was this one:
Mapping new data and reports to existing formats business users were familiar with proved more challenging than expected.
This, of course, is the down side to all that cool technology we've been writing about regarding the integration of customer intelligence and business processes (see Ike Mitchell, Sheila McGee-Smith, and Eric Krapf). Integration in anything other than a greenfield situation is going to be a major, major challenge.