New Podcast Posted: Steve Guthrie of CANew Podcast Posted: Steve Guthrie of CA
We've just posted our latest podcast , an interview with Steve Guthrie of CA. Steve spent much of the interview talking about the role that configuration errors play in causing problems in IP telephony implementations. This hearkens back to the maxim, "The major cause of failures are fingers," explained to me by Terry Slattery of Netcordia a couple of months back.
July 11, 2008
We've just posted our latest podcast, an interview with Steve Guthrie of CA. Steve spent much of the interview talking about the role that configuration errors play in causing problems in IP telephony implementations. This hearkens back to the maxim, "The major cause of failures are fingers," explained to me by Terry Slattery of Netcordia a couple of months back.
We've just posted our latest podcast, an interview with Steve Guthrie of CA. Steve spent much of the interview talking about the role that configuration errors play in causing problems in IP telephony implementations. This hearkens back to the maxim, "The major cause of failures are fingers," explained to me by Terry Slattery of Netcordia a couple of months back.We talk a lot about how problems with IP telephony deployments grow as the deployments themselves scale; it's common sense that the broader the deployment, the more challenging it's going to be to manage. Certainly if configuration errors are a major source of trouble, it stands to reason that the more stuff that's out there that you have to configure, the more errors there will be lurking in the infrastructure.
I hope you'll give the podcast a listen.