A couple of housekeeping points: 1. We've got our archive up, so now you can see everything that we've posted since No Jitter went live last week. Go down to the bottom of this column and click on "More Stories."
December 21, 2007
A couple of housekeeping points: 1. We've got our archive up, so now you can see everything that we've posted since No Jitter went live last week. Go down to the bottom of this column and click on "More Stories."
A couple of housekeeping points:
1. We've got our archive up, so now you can see everything that we've posted since No Jitter went live last week. Go down to the bottom of this column and click on "More Stories."2. In an earlier post, I said that BroadSoft's "mashup" with "appears to be positioned as something a service provider could resell to the end user company." The company informs me that the mashup can be sold either via a service provider offering or direct to the end user. So really, I'm not sure what Ribbit brings to the table that's new.
3. As you might expect, posting will be light over the next 10 days or so, what with the holidays. But we'll be keeping an eye on things and posting a little something most days.