Where Collaboration Meets Information SharingWhere Collaboration Meets Information Sharing
I blogged a preview of today's Royal Dutch Shell keynote over at Info Week last week, and the speech as John Krebbers delivered it today confirmed the view that Shell sees voice as equal to other P2P communications apps, but not superior in importance. What struck me as I sat in the audience today was Mr. Krebbers' comments regarding the nexus of communications and information sharing.
October 15, 2008
I blogged a preview of today's Royal Dutch Shell keynote over at Info Week last week, and the speech as John Krebbers delivered it today confirmed the view that Shell sees voice as equal to other P2P communications apps, but not superior in importance. What struck me as I sat in the audience today was Mr. Krebbers' comments regarding the nexus of communications and information sharing.
I blogged a preview of today's Shell keynote over at Info Week last week, and the speech as Johan Krebbers delivered it today confirmed the view that Shell sees voice as equal to other P2P communications apps, but not any more important. What struck me as I sat in the audience was Mr. Krebbers' comments regarding the nexus of communications and information sharing."Without information sharing, collaboration is not all that useful," Krebbers said, making the valid point that, more often than not, users are collaborating on a document or other item that must be retrieved from the corporate systems. Toward that end, Krebbers said, collaboration systems at Shell are being supplemented with enhanced capabilities in enterprise search and workflow apps, automated retention policies and support for e-discovery where necessary.
I think there'll be a lot more to write about this linkage between collaboration and the thing being collaborated on, but it'll have to wait, because I have a session to moderate. More from the show soon.I blogged a preview of today's Royal Dutch Shell keynote over at Info Week last week, and the speech as John Krebbers delivered it today confirmed the view that Shell sees voice as equal to other P2P communications apps, but not superior in importance. What struck me as I sat in the audience today was Mr. Krebbers' comments regarding the nexus of communications and information sharing.